Oh hello there!

I’ll be honest: I’ve lacked any motivation to write on this blog. I’m not sure where I want to go with it which is a point that I always seem to get with the websites I build and normally start them again but I haven’t had the urge to do that in a while so it’s something.

I’ve talked about posting about some of my collectables on here and finally got a small photo light box that is just the right size to sit on my desk so I can take good photos. I’m currently going through all my collectables too. I have too many funko pops and no I don’t regret buying them as I liked them I just want to buy better collectables. I just hope it doesn’t bore people but then this is my website and I will do what I like with it ok?

I am too much of a worry wort I know. Does anyone read this stuff anyway?

In other news

Went to see Deadpool and Wolverine 3 times and LOVED it. I can’t believe I finally got to see Hugh Jackman in the yellow suit that man is AMAZING! Yes, Wolverine means a lot to me and maybe I’ll bore you all with that story one day. But I’m so grateful that Hugh wanted to do it, especially after Logan which is a film I do get emotional about and not many films make me emotional.

I honestly can’t wait for it to come out on Bluray and on Disney + so I can annoy people with it and I won’t lie it’s the first MCU film I’ve been bothered to see at a cinema in ages. Not to say the others were bad or anything I think for me after Endgame I just lost momentum but after Deadpool and Wolverine and the Fantastic Four coming up next year I’m kind of excited again. Can’t say I’ve ever really been into the Fantastic Four but the idea of RDJ coming in as Dr Doom I’m looking forward to seeing how it’s done. I’m trying to ignore all the speculations about it.

I love how there are people who just put all sorts of fictitious nonsense out there and hope something sticks. Personally would just like to watch these movies without the bullshit if you get what I mean but I know a lot of it makes money for people and they hide behind paywalls so they don’t get into trouble. I probably allow it to annoy me too much but honestly most of the time I’m laughing at it as we know when Marvel Studios release the synopsis of things it’s not what people thought. It’s just sad how people choose to believe it though!

I hope you have all had a great summer. I see that people are starting with the whole pumpkin spice autumn shenanigans. The weather in the northwest of England hasn’t been the warmest this summer and it’s been very shall I say MOIST lol but you know it hasn’t been that bad to be fair. Am I ready for autumn? Not really but hey ho let’s GO! This year has gone too fast and I’m not liking it!

Anyway, enough moaning.

I’m off to play the Deadpool video game I’ve had on my Steam account for ages. I got it before they stopped producing it which is a shame because it’s a good game even if a bit frustrating at times. I’m currently at the part of the game I gave up on a few years back. I’m determined to get past this and go further so if you don’t hear from me for another month you know why!

I do have some ideas for what to post especially about collecting things. So hopefully it won’t be months just days but who knows!

Till the next time

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