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Yeah Don’t say it…

a neon sign in a dark room

Photo by Adib Own on


Yes, I’ve changed the website again. I’ve decided just to have one website and work on it so I’ve moved posts from one website to this one as it was getting too overwhelming which I know is kind of an excuse but when I don’t feel like doing things then I KNOW something has to change.

I hope you like this website. I wanted to try out WordPress blocks which are quite easy to understand. I know there’s probably so much more I could do with it but for now, I’ll see where this will take me. I have been using Divi which is a great thing to use with WordPress but since they updated I want to see how it works as I’ve never looked into it.

So far so good right?

I did move the post from the other site hopefully everything is working.


I’m currently forcing myself to post every day on my photo Instagram. I feel like I’ve been slacking off and It’s done me the world of good. I suffer from perfectionism so bad at times I really hate what I’m posting. But it’s a great way of getting over that and sorting my photos out.

I have too many of Scotland so I’ve been moving the edited ones into their own folder in Lightroom. I still need to work on a lot it’s helping to have that idea of how many I’ve edited. I also have some videos of a few things. I may edit them and put them on my personal Instagram or on here haven’t decided yet.

If you want to follow my photo Instagram I’ve put some info on the from page. I really enjoy it I just need to get with it. I think In December I’ll post more Christmasy things maybe I don’t know we will take it as it comes.

Anyway, I hope you are all ok out there. I’m glad I’m kind of doing something on this website before the end of the year. I’ll be posting more soon

Till the next time

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